Saturday, October 21, 2017

Compacting Hyper-V VHDX disk image with ext4 file system (Ubuntu)

Compacting Hyper-V VHDX disk image with ext4 file system (Ubuntu)

Go see Henry's blog post for more information about this, he's the expert not me. I mostly copied his stuff and modified it for my personal needs. I'm running Ubuntu 17 Server on a Windows 10.

This is a four part operation.


First clean and remove any unnecessary files in your guest OS. Don't forget to remove past installations:

sudo apt-get autoremove

Shut down the guest OS.


The second part is run in any Linux live CD. Google for "System Rescue CD" if you don't have one ready, I had Ubuntu Desktop ISO lying on my host drive, so I used that.

Start your guest machine again, but this time boot it from Live CD. Make your way to the terminal and type this:

sudo -i
apt-get install zerofree
vgchange -a y
zerofree -v /dev/sda1
ls -l /dev/mapper/
zerofree -v /dev/mapper/usvr1--vg-root
swapoff -av
lvm lvresize /dev/mapper/usvr1--vg-swap -L 1G
mkswap /dev/mapper/usvr1--vg-swap
swapon -va
sudo shutdown now


The last part is done from PowerShell on the host machine. Start it as admin and do this: (of course with your path and file names)

cd "C:\Hyper-V\Ubuntu Server\Virtual Hard Disks"
Mount-VHD ".\Ubuntu Server.vhdx" -ReadOnly
Optimize-VHD -Path ".\Ubuntu Server.vhdx" -mode full
Dismount-VHD ".\Ubuntu Server.vhdx" 



P.S. For some reason, this hasn't quite worked for me, and only shaved a few gigabytes off of my vhdx file; even though that zip-ing the vhdx file reduces it down to 10%, indicating that it is (mostly) zeroed. Others have reported better results.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend Project: Movie Roll

A question entered my mind and didn't go away like silly questions normally do: How difficult would it be to make a movie roll image - you know the ones with snapshots taken from a movie, and nicely stuck together in a single image. Surely this couldn't be difficult to pull off. How about if I have to do it in Windows? Using standard command shell as a glue. And using only general purpose tools, preferably something I already have on my machine, command-line tools, because they are small and usually quite customizable. How long would it take me?

Turns out quite a few hours. But it did it! Using nothing but standard Windows cmd and ffmpeg. Not only that, turns out ffmpeg, even though it wasn't designed for this, is quite capable of doing movie rolls all by itself in a single pass, and all it needs is just a set of few clever instructions.

So I made this little script:

@echo off
rem standard WinXP CMD script with FFMPEG being the only external program required 
rem originally made by Gregor Brecko, apr-2011
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion


set src=%~1
set ffmpeg=W:\Program Files\3GP\ffmpeg.exe
set /a duration=(1*60+10)*60
set /a countX=8
set /a countY=10
set /a thumbWidth=320
set /a thumbHeight=(thumbWidth * 9) / 16
rem set /a thumbHeight=(thumbWidth * 3) / 4
set /a padding=1

if not exist "%src%" (
  echo File not found. Usage: MOVIEROLL1 your-movie-file
  exit /b

rem BUILD THUMBNAILS (USING 1-PASS FFMPEG -- fast but with limitations)

rem FFMPEG limitations:
rem   - each option must be less than 1000 characters long
rem     so we temporarily rename the original video to save command-line space
rem   - movie-filter's seek_point doesn't work beyond 1:11:00 mark (2^32 microseconds)
rem   - creating movie-filters is memory intensive; you may make it with 120 or more for
rem     small video frame sizes, and around 80 with 720p ones

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%f in ("%src%") do (
  cd /d "%%~dpf"
  if errorlevel 1 exit /b
  set ext=a%%~xf

set /a interval=duration / (1 + countX * countY)
set /a T=%interval%
set /a forY=padding
for /L %%Y in (1,1,%countY%) do (
  set /a forX=padding
  for /L %%X in (1,1,%countX%) do (   
    rem set vf1=!vf1!movie=%ext%:sp=!T!,scale=%thumbWidth%:-1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[%%Xx%%Y];
    set vf1=!vf1!movie=%ext%:sp=!T!,scale=%thumbWidth%:-1[%%Xx%%Y];
    set vf2=!vf2!,[%%Xx%%Y]overlay=!forX!:!forY!
    set /a forX=!forX! + padding + thumbWidth
    set /a T=!T! + interval
  set /a forY=!forY! + padding + thumbHeight
set /a forX=forX + padding
set /a forY=forY + padding

rem bail out if we failed already, don't want to do a rename and then fail some more, possibly stuck and unable to rename back
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
echo. >""
ren "%src%" "%ext%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /b

"%ffmpeg%" -i "%ext%" -vframes 1 -vf "[in]scale=%thumbWidth%:-1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[i2];%vf1%color=black:%forX%x%forY%,[i2]overlay=%padding%:%padding%%vf2%" "%src%.jpg"

rem reset errorlevel
cmd /c "exit /b 0"

move "%ext%" "%src%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
del ""

And the result? See for yourself: